By Gillian Hale, via email

Yesterday afternoon the playground [in Haydons Road Recreation Ground, Wimbledon] was busy due to the good weather.

At about 4pm, a film crew arrived and set up in the car park.

A short while later several women arrived and the proceeded to strip off, into what can only be described as underwear.

When approached the film crew stated that it was like you would see on a beach and that parents should not complain.

However one of the women was dressed in a french maids outfit and I have certainly never seen that on the beach!

They then proceeded to "wash" a car whilst gyrating and grinding to music and smearing themselves with foam!

This was totally inappropriate behaviour in front of young children. The community support officers that came, just stood and watched.

In fact one even posed for a photo with them! The police also came and then drove off without speaking to the concerned parents.

The parents who were there feel that they have been totally let down by the police and the council and will be strongly complaining to all concerned.

Several people were taking photo and video footage which are probably online by now.

There was no need for this kind of filming to take place in a public park, at a time when it was full of children. Everyone involved in the licensing of such a production should be ashamed of themselves!

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