A charity dedicated to supporting servicemen and their families is hoping to loan an arsenal of tools for a garden clearing event.

New Addington Royal British Legion needs everything from rakes shears spades and trowels to Secateurs paint brushes and rollers and dust sheets.

The charity is planning to work with youth organisation The Challenge Network to refurbish the Legion’s building, build a new wall, clear the garden of remembrance and renovate fencing.

Alice Fisher, a volunteer with the Royal British Legion, said: "It is a place of sanctuary for its members and we want to bring it back to its former glory for the community to enjoy."

Challenge Network (www.the-challenge.org/) works with 7000 young people on an annual basis to encourage engagement with the National Citizen Awards.

Clearing will take place on Sunday September 30.

To help call Sarah on 0207 863 3270 or email metvolunteer@britishlegion.org.uk