Leona Lewis and Pudsey the dog better watch out because Sutton’s got talent.

The next generation of Sutton’s performing stars showed off their talents at Sutton Playday on Wednesday, August 1.

As part of the Sutton’s Got Talent competition 23 acts performed in the borough’s answer to the hit TV show.

Seven finalists performed in front of a crowd of hundreds, before winners were crowned in three age categories.

Five-year-old dancer, Nicky Nayak, won the under six category and singer, Sonny Skelton, 10, won the 7-12 category. Last year’s overall winner Aditi Mukherjee, 13, won the 13-19 category with her Bollywood dance routine.

Councillor Dave Callaghan, chairperson of Sutton Council’s children, Families and Education committee, said: "There was some really impressive talent on display in the competition, so well done to everyone who took part.

"Sutton Playday is always a hit and this year’s event was bigger than ever, and it was great to see so many youngsters coming down to enjoy the fun.

"There’s plenty more going on for young people during the summer holidays and after the start of term, so make sure you look out for things that you can get involved in."

The competition was part of the Sutton Playday, a day of free activities for children at Sutton Arena. For information on other events for young people during the summer holidays, visit suttonfamilyinfo.org.uk.