Ralph Atkinson
Croydon Central

Q: What are your views on the MPs' expenses issue?

A: Those MP’s who have broken the rules should be prosecuted and the system reformed. So far many MPs have resisted reform and as a result public confidence cannot be restore.

Q: If you had to pick the single biggest issue you will campaign on as MP for the borough, what would that be?

Saving Mayday Hospital Maternity and A&E wards from downgrading cuts.

Q: What is your biggest regret?

That UKIP was not founded earlier.

Q: What was your biggest achievement at school/university?

A: At school it was getting into the local press for painting a newsworthy stage set for a Midsummer Nights Dream. At University it was writing my own degree program of study and getting it approved.

Q: Do you believe in euthanasia?

A: I support Terry Pratchet’s idea of people being able to apply to a coroners court for permission to get help to end their lives. I absolutely oppose the current prosecution lottery where some people are arrested and others let off because it is not fair on those who help and could provide opportunity for the unscrupulous.

Q: Have you ever smoked cannabis?

A: No, but it is impossible to sit in a student bar without getting a passive whiff of the stuff. Given evidence that cannabis causes mental illness I think it must remain illegal.

Q: How did you get involved in politics?

A: I joined the Young Liberals at University largely to annoy my Conservative father and my shop steward mother.

Q: How long have you lived in the borough?

A: I don’t. I was head hunted by UKIP Croydon Branch to manage our campaign.

Q: Have you ever belonged to another political party?

A: I was a Liberal but their values changed after they amalgamated with the SDP to become the Lib Dems. The breaking point was when they told me that the closure of Ford Dagenham was a good thing and dropped me as a Potential PPC for being insufficiently pro European. They then had the cheek to ask me to be a Campaign manager instead.

Q: What do you recycle?

A: I have an organic allotment the size of a tennis court, I recycle vegetable waste into my garden and anything my local Council will collect besides visiting the bottle bank.

Q: If you have one item on a desert island, what would it be any why?

A: A stainless steel bowie knife with a flotation handle, so I could make a fishing spear, open oysters, trim coconuts, saw wood and palm leaves for a shelter, and make primitive tools.

Q: Where would you least like to live in the borough and where would you most like to live in the borough?

A: Thornton Heath has recently been suffering a crime wave so I would only want to live there if I was a policeman. I would like to live either at the top of Crystal Palace Hill for the view or somewhere along the Croydon Tram line for the excellent service.

Q: What is the borough's best attribute?

A: Croydon is dynamic with fast trains to London, Gatwick and the South Coast, the excellent tram, a great business and shopping centre, but the spot I like best is the Queen’s Garden near the Town Hall.

Q: Do you agree with abortion or are you pro-life?

A: I accept abortion may be necessary to save a Mothers life and I think abortion is in the end a woman’s right and decision but I regard the number of abortions conducted in this Country as far too high.

Q: What's your favourite biscuit?

A: Given the recent expense scandals at our Westminster Parliament I expect I should reply ‘jammy dodger’, however I particularly liked sharing garibaldis with squirrels in parks even before I became a big fan of DCI Gene Hunt, his Quattro and his ‘research me some garibalidis’ comment.

Q: What happened when you first got drunk and did you learn your lesson?

A: I was once joined in a student bar by the girl of my dreams. Realising that if she looked that good I had definitely had too many I went to the loo to douse my face in cold water and wash away the beer goggles. When I returned she still looked pretty good but a small chap had pinched my seat. Without a second thought I said “Is this guy annoying you” and when the lady in question said “yes he is” I popped him on the hook of a wall mounted coat rack and sat down. I heard the story the next day and I thought it was funny until a friend told me that I was the perpetrator. I was too embarrassed to show my face in that college bar for months, but I did end up working amicably with the small chap on the college magazine and teaching him some good one liners. So he reformed anyway.

Q: What annoys you?

A: Lack of integrity and contempt for others. I campaign for UKIP because the LIBLABCON won’t do what the British people want.

Q: Do you do the washing up or do you get others to do it?

A: My wife works a long day in a hospital so I shop, help with the housework, cook and wash up.

Q: Apart from a house what is the most expensive item you have bought for yourself?

A: I recently bought a small silver coin attributed to my personal heroine, Boudicca, who I feel was sound on foreign policy and British Independence.

Q: Facebook or Twitter?

A: NO. They are useful but I prefer writing for the local press so that everyone can read my views and criticise or offer advice if they wish.