When is a bus route not a service? When it is the 455 travelling to Old Lodge Lane, Purley.

Why do bus companies take on routes if they have no intention of fulfilling their contract?

The residents of Old Lodge Lane have no other bus route, unlike those living in Pampisford Road, so why do they so often terminate at Purley Cross.

To add insult to injury a bus passed me at the bottom of the lane out of service and empty on a wet Friday evening. I then had to wait nearly an hour for the next one. At nearly 80 this is not funny. I counted three buses of almost every other route.

When Abellio took over from Arriva we thought we would have a better service, but no, the people up here, whether they are elderly with sticks or young mothers with children have the choice to walk or wait.

If any other firm in the area treated their clients so, they would be fined or would find themselves bankrupt. But a bus company can get away with blue murder.

I have lived up here for 45 years and believe me this bus route was a service in those days. When is something going to be done about it?

One night one of the regular older drivers refused to turn around at Purley. I have not seen him since.

Wontford Road Purley