With reference to the January 28 issue, featuring the advert “Who is Muhammad?”

I found it very confrontational and annoying to see this huge advert glaring at me from the front page.

There are many other religions followed by Croydon residents.

There are also non-religious residents too.

I am sure many would have been perplexed by this advert, just like my family and I were.

I do not think there has been an advert on your front page regarding any other spiritual or religious leader.

Religious adverts such as this should be shown on the inside pages as it would then be appropriate for everyone.

It would not be so “in your face”.

I have been reading your paper for more than 20 years and always looked forward to knowing about local news, local business, dining out, the entertainment available, etc.

Sadly, now we will not be reading your paper any more.

Norton Gardens Norbury